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The above is a question that we have received from several public schools. The age of majority is the age in which a minor (child) becomes major (adult) and amongst other things gains contractual capacity and can be held fully legally liable in various ways. …

Introduction The effects of COVID-19 and the lockdown have not spared public schools, and in some respects public schools have been more severely impacted with the reopening of schools being a controversial topic. Consequently, a few parents are enquiring why they should be liable for …

There are two national systems of schooling in South Africa which are governed by the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 (the Act). They are the public schools and the independent schools. Public schools are governed by the State whilst independent schools are privately …

In terms of the South African Schools Act (SASSA) public schools and their SGBs have a degree of autonomy and independence but fortunately for schools Section 60 does provide for state liability for the acts and omissions of schools in certain circumstances.  When the state …